Ah, I see you have survived your first night here. Maybe you do have promise after all, however one night alone is not enough to prove your worth. You must strive every day to please your new masters through worship, combat and sheer force of will. Me? I have sold my soul to the Dark Gods and they in return have granted me unimaginable power and glory. 

This is the fate that which you seek, yes? Fear not, as capricious and mercurial as my masters are, they are not without some form of compassion. Your prayers will be answered if they see fit and your offering is acceptable. What if you are found wanting? Ha, I have already answered that question, mortal. I will give you one last chance to reconsider- will you sell your soul, or will you leave us and venture back to your soft, weak and above all pitiful land?
Again, hey all :)

Another post so soon? Well I have received reinforcements through the post.

I haven't had a chance to inspect the paints as yet (piano lesson and work this arvo) but so far everything is pleasing- everything is OOP and quite a lot of it is metal.

There is:
  • 24ish chaos warriors, about half are on sprue and comes with numerous command sets
  • 5 chaos knights
  • 1 chaos chariot
  • 2 OOP chaos sorcerors (old style, with a small staff and a sword)
  • 1 OOP Chaos lord on demonic? steed
  • 1 Chaos Hound
  • OOP banners
  • a metric f*** tonne of movement trays
  • Some brushes (kinda worse for wear but eh)
  • 15 paints and some glue


I have no clue if I'm going to use the banners, but may turn them into scenery things as part of this project is to use the gothic hirst art molds to make a fortress worthy of the Chaos Gods .

As you can see from the pics, quite a bit needs some TLC (not much as the paint jobs are respectable) and a fair bit is untouched by mortal hands. This army is gonna be big

The world will tremble before me

The Warlock