Tabletop World Building of the Week is Townhouse 1... x2!

These are unmodified so I'll have to alter the entrance debris a bit for the next one... not everyone has a mop and bucket leaning by the front door! 
 This is your basic townhouse.  We saw Townhouse 3 a few posts ago and it is an extravagant monster of a dwelling suitable for a prosperous merchant or something similar.

Townhouse 1 is a much more basic structure.  It is a little bit larger than the cottage and implies a full second floor (unlike the cottage where a loft is implied).  Only the first floor is accessible for use.
 Mortaria Noctis is standing in for scale again.

As with all Tabletop World models it comes pre-cleaned and ready to paint.  I often get asked how I can finish these so rapidly.  The best answer is they are ready to paint right out of the box,,,no prep!  add to that my total, and quite cheaty face addiction to Secret weapon washes and they just hop off the table.
 Wrapping up the first shipment of Jailbirds you can see on of the few metal models I had shipped... the Aliens inspired Cruz.  The Heavy Weapon personality of the faction has plenty of attitude and a choice of two big guns.  I got to play with the green stuff a bit to get the bases into theme... fun fun fun!!  I've got Punky, the army standard on the table as well and then I'll hop over to Iron Empire for a bit and get mah purple on!