Well, much like the last few years, the Wargate's Feast of Krampus occurred once again this year!  The 4th Annual Krampusfest went over so awesome...we totally forgot to take pictures!!  Who's responsible for this??  They shall be flogged!!

Wait a minute...oh yeah...it was me.

I charged the camcorder, and even put it in a place that I "wouldn't forget it".  I guess I'll be getting flogged this year for sure.  Woe is me!

Yet, there was plenty of merriment that accounts for that lapse in judgement!  We got to see some of our parental units, who stopped by for various bits of awesome.  We sent food home with everyone we could, because try as we might - there's just no eating that much food.

We had Hungarian Chili, Spinach and Rice Pie, Bake Cauliflower for entrees.  For dessert, Wendi made German Chocolate cupcakes and apple struesels - of which I appropriated as many as I could to stuff down my gullet later in the evening!  (Hint:  all of it is gone.)

Big thanks to the girls for the awesome spread!  I'm pretty sure they even told me once that I hadn't taken pictures of anything yet, eager to preserve their handiwork on film.  I deserve the flogging that Krampus will give me for not giving the day the proper due!

Next year we'll be back on the proper hype, pomp and glam we normally have for the Feast of Krampus!  I can't believe I forgot pictures ALL DAY LONG...but if you think that;s bad...we forgot to game as well!  All in all, this was a Krampusfest to remember, and I'm so very happy everyone turned out to make it as cool as it was.

Thank you for becoming part of our Yuletide tradition!