WOW!  It has been terribly productive at and outside the murder table recently.

JJ posting, have over a weeks worth of posts, pics and material ready, just need to put some solid time at the computer to finish them.

Completed commissions, how to's, rules and yes a couple of battle reports, even a product review.

Recent Warmachine commission went extraordinarily fast.  Wish it would've occurred to me to take pics so a decent post could be made about speed painting to complete commissions faster.  Have a couple of pics.  Not enough to fill in the gaps.  Will still try my best.  There'll be a post about that sometime next week.

Have a complete series of Article Friday posts all done.  Just need some pics to finish them.  Have an additional three other Article Friday posts ready.

Fantastic stuff is happening outside the hobby.  The world seems is literally opening before me ready to give its bounty.  Won't be easy.  Sacrifice will have to be made, the result will pay off in endless dividends.

Great news on the commission front.  There are two rather large projects coming to the murder table soon.  One is a sizable Eldar force that will be split up into two lots for Ebay, they are a brother's army he doesn't have plans for anymore.  Other project harkens from my formative years and first RPG ever played.  Something about Robotech Battle Tactics, think that's the name.  That's going to be a ton of fun!  Perhaps I'll have the dvd series and movie playing in the background while I'm working on them.  Have some little projects this week.  Invited to be an author for a gaming geek newsletter.

Also have an army on parade post ready to be made.  Just need to crop and resize the pics.  Some impressive stuff in my opinion.

Til tomorrow take care yourself and loved one's in your life.

slainte mhath