These notes are originally from 11.30.2014.

After an epic battle, accompanied by the blue dragon Magarastu, the group releases the Warlock Charlie Sheen's friend - a lich.  Upon being released, the undead sorcerer pulls a glowing orb from his cloak and shoves it into the Warlock's chest.

Soon the party is attacked by the black wizard Caiustaius' minions, who appear behind the party before they can react.  Utho begins to fire arrows at the magic-users, but the Warlock yells "STOP!!"

The dragon stoped in mid flight, and the group realized that all time had stopped.  Spells were cast in succession.  The Warlock Charlie Sheen waved his hand, and time resumed.  The black wizard fled, and his minions were defeated (Vortex Savants, Magarastu called them).

The group made it back to the ship, and a magical, shimmering portal was open above it.

"My friends," said the Warlock Charlie Sheen, "thank you for your help."  He turned to Acwellan the Lich, and continued.  "If not for my friends here, I would not have been able to rescue you."

"Thank...You..." the lich replied.

"I'm afraid this is where we part ways."  the Warlock continued.

Some time passed as the magic-users prepared the necessary spells.  The group took this opportunity to get to know the undead sorcerer and his companion - for Charlie Sheen seemed different now that he had obtained his power again.

Todd Decos was brave enough to engage the lich in conversation first.

"How long have you been a...lich?"

"Perhaps...For A Thousand Years."

"Were you human...before?"  Todd ventured.


Charlie Sheen cast a spell, and a fully cooked and prepared meal appeared with a table out of thin air.  The Warlock immediately began eating.

The lich looked over the party, and stated "I...Will Take You...Where Ever...You Wish...To Go."

Wickwar inquired of the dragon, "Where will you go?"

The dragon seemed bemused.  "I am already home."

Wickwar was undaunted.  "Where are you trying to run off to?"

Magarastu answered, "Caiustaius held me captive for many years.  I will retake his castle."

Acwellan gave Oliver Duncan a key on a silver chain before wordlessly boarding the boat.

The party awakens the next day back in the inn.  The innkeeper informed Oliver that he had a large package waiting for him.  Upon opening the chest that was delivered earlier that day, the voice of the Warlock Charlie Sheen could be heard.

"Thank you my friends.  I thought I would leave this here for you.  You can use it much better than I."

Inside the chest was a trove of valuable treasures, and better still...magical equipment.

The group settles in...wondering if they will ever see the Warlock Charlie Sheen or his undying companion ever again.

"I've spent close to the last decade effortlessly and magically turning your tin cans into pure gold." - The Warlock Charlie Sheen.