I've had a pile of Reaper RPG figures sitting on my table for weeks. Today, I was finally able to clear away a few of them. 

First is this great two-headed troll figure. Love the sculpt. So much character in the two troll heads.

And there's a lot of sculpted-in detail...like the trophy skulls and treasure box. Lots of patch-work armor as well.

These two Bugbears came in a blister pack. Again, nice sculpts and good animation.

They should go well with the armoured Bugbears I painted up a month or two ago.

Finally, I picked up a pack of Reaper animals some time ago. I've been painting their wolves and a panther, and liked them just fine.

This is a bear and a badger. Nothing special...but they should still see use on the game table.

Well, with Christmas holidays pending, these may be the last figures I get out this year. We'll see. Maybe just before the new year I'll be able to get out some Mantic ghouls I've been working on.

'Til next time.