This is my second 7th ed game under my belt came new rules and situations. Feels good to make these posts again.
JJ typing,
Battle Focus 6th ed Eldar, pg 25
A unit that contains only models wiht the Battle Focus special rule can either shoot and then Run, or Run and then shoot, in the same Shooting phase.
Run 40k7, pg 38
Units that Run in the Shooting phase cannot charge in the following Assault phase.
Context: Player wanted dire avengers assault tactical squad after performing battle focus. Player figured since shooting with avengers and running per battle focus they could also assault. Informed because avengers ran they cannot perform an assault.
Wrecked 40k7, pg 76
Iny any other circumstance, a Wrecked model is left in place, and is treated as a Citadel scenery model with the different terrain type (pg 108).
Context: Devastator squad wanted to shoot at war walkers. However the drop pod was wrecked by war walker shooting the turn before. Still wouldn't have been able to shoot if the pod wasn't wrecked. Putting this rule in the post as a reminder of how wrecked vehicles work in 7th ed.
slainte mhath
7th ed Rules of the Game: Battle Focus, Run and Wrecked
by a Sent One | Dec 24, 2014