Well the Holidays provided their usual and much needed snag. This Christmas being made extra memorable by the presence of my new niece, Brinley. Congratulations Brother Father John, I love ya!

But as far as painting goes, I managed to get a solid base coat on the bases and paint the color silver for 4 hours. Painting the same color for hours on end is not the most motivating task. But, it's done :)

I would be a bit of a slumpy painter if all I had to show was the small amount of progress pictured above. So here's a preview of a piece I'm working on for myself. It has a lot of firsts for me in the modeling and painting aspects. Some days I feel like all of my artwork is just an experiment.

If I can finish both of these projects as this year ends, I'll be a happy man. Lots to look back on and much more to look forward to :)