The recent Games Workshop video, as well as numerous websites, have shown off the impending release of the Skaven-centered End Times release.  Rumors also hint at a new Skaven book right around the corner too.  So while everyone focused their attention on the glorious Vermin Lord model, I noticed a few things hidden in the background of the video I want to draw attention to.

Now, caveat up front.  These could be fantastic conversions.  However, some are so off-base that I doubt they would look so in-place as they do in the picture still.

First up, the new Grey Seer model.  This model has been widely rumored for ages and is the most obvious in the video provided you can draw your eyes away from the beautiful Vermin Lord.  Great resculpt but the question remains, is this a Grey Seer?  Thanquol?  Some new caster?  My money is on a plain Grey Seer clampack.

Next, right next to the Grey Seer we find a unit of Skaven that looks like plague monks on first inspection but doesn't fit any of the current, or older, models.  The heads are sunken back in the hoods while the staves with scrawled out blessings of foul deity, These are not the current sculpts as the heads stick out (since they are a separate piece) and none of them hold staves up like that.

Lastly, we have the blurry images in the far background on both the left and right of the Vermin Lord.  These look like hulking brutes and potentially have some sort of cannon in the arms or on the backs?  Rumors recently speculated that Skaven Rat Ogres will see an upgrade to make them more durable and well, these cute little fellas look like they could take a lot of wounds before going down.

That's it this time around.  Quick and dirty post after my first inspection of the Skaven video.  If I find more, I'll post more as I'm super excited about the Skaven releases coming up.

Wow.  A Games Workshop article?  I know.  I dived head first into Infinity and focused so much attention on that game that all others slide by the wayside.  I explained in a previous post why I am leaving Warhammer 40k in the dust, but what about Warhammer Fantasy?  Well, I could never leave my rat hoards alone.  So they've been left sitting in the corner plotting their revenge on Infinity and, to a lesser extent, Malifaux.