So a bit more hobby progress over the last week.  First of all, I got my last six Robotech minis assembled, 2 Warhammers, 2 Riflemen, and 2 Archers.  Next I got restocked on paint with a run up to Johnson City yesterday with RTVortil or Imperial Recruitment or Archon Vortil or whatever his new blog commenting name is this month.  This let me get a green basecoat on another batch of Battletech.
I got a couple trades worked out on a Battletech Facebook group so the first part of the week I'll be getting the unseen Griffin and 2 unseen Stingers to finish off the battlemech portion of the 21st Striker Regiment.  I still need to acquire 6 aerospace fighters to completely finish the regiment.  I've started messing around a bit with nonRegimental asset ideas to be able to build a base for the Regiment as terrain such as command center, storage bunkers, repair bays, MASH vehicles, coolant trucks and such.  It's still just in the starting idea phase and we'll see how it goes.

Next up is that I went through the last of the Christmas money and finally got the Rebel Transport.  The extra X-wing pilot cards and astromech droids offer some interesting possibilities.  The fact that you can make the transport a 10 hull 5 shield beast at 40 points and then add some passengers and upgrades also gives some interesting possibilities.  It doesn't have any attacks but it sure can be a rock hard place to put a lot of large area boosts and effects into play from.
Last of all, I got my two Bolt Action books in the mail on Friday that I ordered with a Books A Million egift card I got for Christmas.  I also picked up a box of British Airborne yesterday to start getting ideas on how I want to paint and base them before I do my big order with my March bonus check.  I already know I'm going all berets and no helmets so there will be the bit of red on all the miniatures to tie the army together.  Basing I'm torn between fall forest and urban.  I just haven't been able to decide which so feel free to post in comments with suggestions or ideas on this.
So that's where we're at for now and we'll see about getting with you all again next weekend.  I think it sounds like I'm going to be in a major mulitplayer X-wing battle on Friday night so there will be that to discuss no matter what.  Have a good new year all and I'll see you next time.