Getting back to the TGG Kickstarter backlog with a couple of iterations of Cruz... one for each weapon option as per usual.

Cruz is from wave one... I've got Punky in progress and then will have to slip some wave two goodness into the queue.

 Cruz is taking the refugee army theme up a notch in the direction of Tank Girl... I luvs me sum Tank Girl!

 I played around with some light tattooing.  I did arms this time even though the Mohawk makes an ideal space for it on the head itself!
 I elected to take these models in metal which makes the ammo belt a bit more sturdy.  I took most of the models in resin but I had a few metals based on how I thought they would stand up to actual game use.
 I really need to get round to putting some images on t-shirts.  For this model they both went white because its an easy contrast but I'll have to play with some other colors in the squads.
 Being huge hunks of metal... these are on their slotta bases with some green stuff work up to match the resins.  Also featuring Mountain Dew Green soda can debris.
A black heart tattoo.  I used Reaper Nightmare Black, which is really a very blue black, for the tattoos  made for convincing ink.