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This Beer & Bolters 40k Podcast is brought to you by: Beer & Bolters 40K Facebook: YouTube: Tabled Miniatures Paint Studio Facebook: Individually tailored miniature painting commissions – we only paint at the top levels, because you deserve the best! Defending Our Myths and Heroes Facebook: Defending Our Myths And Heroes is dedicated to doing just that. Our mission is twofold. Part one: Preserving the image of what DMH considers to be our modern day myths. To us Batman and Superman are the modern day King Arthur. We do this with respecting the characters in every way we interpret them. Contest: Comings Soon stand by! Whispers from the Warp (News & Rumors): AdMec Army (Because FW made so much Money!) Besides Arc weapons for the Skitarii, rumors are talking about new exotic weapons from the Adeptus Machanicus. New Burst pistols, Cognis Weapons, and Galvanic Rifles which may be the standard weapon for some units. Cognis Weapons are normal weapons with the Cognis attached to it, like Cognis Lascannon. They simply use a BS 2 when firing snap shots because of an awakened machine spirit. Burst Pistol rules allow for 5 shots to be fired instead of just a single one. Galvanic Rifle looks like an ornate flintlock rifle with a canister on the side. R30", rapid fire, S4. The Adeptus Mechanicus rumors continue with the first unit type, a heavy support Walker called an Onager. Not a lot of details, but it appears they come with some sort of an invulnerable save that can get better with additional walkers. This has all the signs of a mini-dex, or supplement. The rumors have it at 85 pages. That is quite a bit short of a full codex, but doesn't take away that I will have to jump on board this one, and start a new army. We also have no idea on the timeline, but it would be odd if this was not coming soon after Harlequins with all the information coming in from different places. A heavy choice walker called a Onager Dunewalker will be part of the skitarii. they are an armor 12 walker that comes with overlapping forcefields that give an invulnerable save. each additional walker in the squad increases the save by 1. they come with a conversion beamer type weapon that is more powerful up close and disperses to a large but weaker blast at longer range. squadrons up to 3. Harlequin Mini and Codex Rumors "My friend has some of the new harlequin sprues and some fantasy stuff that's yet to be released as well! I'm going to see if I can get pics or more details, but he hasn't mentioned jetbikes at all so either they aren't coming out or he doesn't have those bits. I've seen a blurry phone photo of something and another of a bag filled with sprues I couldn't identify from a quick glance. 6 figures included on the sprue (possibly one is a venom crewman). No seer or jester on the sprue my source has. Masks are separate to heads and there are far more masks than needed. Lots of swords/blades for various poses. Nearly all are in dynamic leaping/dancing poses on Eldar ruins. don't know about (Harlequin's) kisses. Right now I'm just passing on the details as I get them. We discussed it a little last night and think that it's possible there may be another sprue that he doesn't have that comes as part of the box. If that's the case then there may be a jester and seer as well as a troupe master included. New Imperial Fist from ForgeWorld New Recruits (Hobby Updates): Sean Riva Butt hurt against Tau League pyramid and the inherent issues starting to arise? Suck it Mav! Adam Finished my Imperial Knight, The Forgotten Knight First game of the year, for our club with Three new members! Damocles Novel (going to make Chris read it) Finished Horus Rising Purchased the Campaign of Fire Supplement