Welcome to our new Schedule 2 RPG game!

King Arthur has taken the mantle of Dungeon Master, and presents us with a romp across the Known World!  Right in line with our Basic Dungeons & Dragons bent that the club is on right now, this will fit seamlessly into our narrative with no other consideration.  This is King Arthur's first campaign at the helm of the Wargate, but there's no pressure!  What better spot to begin, than at the beginning with Basic!  

We're going to enjoy this campaign, and explore the Known World a little more at the same time!

The Grand Duchy of Kerendas 1012 A.C.

Ever been to the little tavern nestled in the cluster of raft shacks of Bayville's dreary port?  The strong smell of cheap booze and hits you as you open the door, strangely complimented by the pleasant aroma carried in on the coastal winds.  The wind whisles thru the cracks, adding to the dreary Ambiance permeating from the quiet hinterlanders, worn and haggard looking, but still such a presence with their brightly colored red and gold hair. These weary souls have many stories to tell of an Ancient clan of people who once resided in the fertile plains of Kerendas.

They all speak of Arbora, and the ruins that have recently been discovered there. Drawn across the Sea of Dread by an unexplained force, a mental pull, the hinterlanders have overtaken the small populace of Bayville.  There they have stayed, awaiting a call that is a mystery even to them.

A party of Adventurers arrived just the other night, strolling into the lil' tavern with a fresh confidence that clashed with the bleak attitudes of the usually fiery umph of the hinterlands barbaric nature.  Driven by the mysterious tales of the bar-folk and the strange man who sung them an irresistible opportunity for adventure, fighting, and a whole bunch of treasure, the party quickly buys up supplies and sets off to the town of Arbora.  There, a small grasp at glory awaits, buried behind a strange group of Thyatians, and the malignant forces massing in the ruins surrounding the town!

Quite exciting, this will be my first time running Dungeons & Dragons.  I'm quite eager to see how my players develop into my expanded universe of the Known World.  I'm keen to see my own personal development as well and what I can learn from the players, with their years of experience, that will be gracing my lil' adventures with their presence!

                                                                                                   - King Arthur

Current Player Characters
Total Party Levels: 10
  • Fnu Mohammad - Magic-User: 2 (N)
  • Thorgrim - Fighter: 2 (L)
  • Asmodius - Magic User: 2 (L)
  • Olaf - Fighter: 2 (L)
  • Johann - Thief: 2 (N)
Deceased Player Characters
  • Herek Uthbar - Cleric: 1 (N)

Campaign Log
Total Game Time: 10 hrs

(10.21.14 to 10.30.14)
Total Session Time: 2 hrs

Gustav Schmidt has taken over the abandoned outpost on Arbora's northwestern edge.  If any progress into the tunnels is to be made, this runaway slave and his band of cutthroats must be taken care of.
The party of stoic northmen stand ready to crush the enemies of the folk of Arbora after a (mostly) successful show of force.  Making acquaintance of the townspeople during a few brief days of rest, the party finds it's much better off than when they arrived in Arbora.  After seeing their swift results, the town (Decos) wishes to retain the services of the northmen - it seems much more adventure awaits!

Mischievous Runts
Total Session Time: 5 hrs

Progress on the excavation of the old tunnel entrance beneath the Thyatian outpost was slow and tedious due to the damage from the flames, but a full week later an entryway has at last been made passable.  The job done, this occasion should have been a joyous one,  though no time for celebration is allowed as the event was suddenly interrupted by a terrible incident.

Kobolds!  As Arbora's miners removed the last of the impeding debris, the lil' snakes suddenly sprung from the shadows and delivered their ambush! Four workers down , the miners rush this ill news to Decos. Vexed by yet another delay, Caius quickly enlist the services of the audacious northerners in ridding the tunnels of these crafty lil' sadist.
As the sun rose, the night after Herek's funeral, the now bloodthirsty northerners prepare for their assault on the kobolds.  As they leave Viaskoda's Hearth, the local inn, they are suddenly halted by Tabotaku.  He informs the party that Caius Decos has fallen ill with a strange sickness, one that has stricken over half the townsfolk overnight.  A magical illness, an infection!  Having already pinpointed the source of this vile curse, Tabotaku pleads with the party to delve into the tunnels to the west, and stop whatever it is producing this disease!

Revenge!/A Strange Infection
Total Session Time: 3 hrs

Still desiring their revenge, the northerners are torn in the request to aid the people of Arbora.  Coincidentally, fate takes the needs of both the town, and the northerner's vengeance, into it's hands.  Slavi Teak, a shady character, arrives in town with news of the Kobolds that the party seeks, informing the party of a band of kobolds that he spied leaving the old Thyatian outpost.  He followed them up until they entered the very tunnels that Tabotaku had been speaking of.  The suspicious character does carry one request, that the party allows him to accompany them into the tunnels.
Arbora is host to a festival, one celebrating their northern heroes.  The festivities commence for days and the bold northerners enjoy a well earned rest.  Fnu spends his time educating his new demi-human companions, 

Campaign Resolution

The northerners and their foreign mages collect their loot, and move off into the unknown wilds of Mystara in search of adventure.