So Tor Gaming is giving away 150 GBP worth of goodies over on their website. With many different ways to get some votes for it.

Since I didn't really have anything planned for today, here is a push for this give away then!

Just having a poke around there site has found me a few interesting things..

Such as the rules being found online and downloadable...

And seeing some of the models like the one above makes me really interested in it. I am not sure how many models I need to play, but I think that with such pieces I could paint it up within a fortnight and ready to battle against club mates that are always on the go to start new games!

Or these since I am on a bit of a Scottish kick these days.. and Deamonic Scottish dolls can do in a pinch I believe!

So yeah.. head over to their website and enter into the contest. I don't mind the competition.. really I don't :)

Or.. click to this link here and give me some referrals to the contest also ;) I wouldn't be sad if you did ;)