Nick speaking,
OK, so what is The Year of the Wolf all about? Well, it's been a long time coming, about twelve years in fact, but I have finally got around to start painting my Space Wolves 13th Company army! So, why has it taken me so long then? The truth is, I did actually start painting this army back in 2008, in actual fact, I was raring to go. I painted my thirty Fenrisian Wolves, and was just about to start my next unit, and then it happened, a new Codex hit, and my army from the old Eye of Terror supplement was made defunct!
To be fair, it took me a while to get over it, but I did, and I started to come up with new ideas for the army, but in the mean time, painting wise, I switched over to a new army, Eldar. Painting the wolves got shelved once again. Now though, with both my Necrons and Tyranid armies all painted, and my Eldar well on the way, I am ready to get stuck in to the Wolves, and I plan on doing it in a big way, dedicating this year to painting them, and I hope to paint them up to the same standard as my test model I did a while back...
First up is a squad of Grey Hunters. I have had to magnetise up the arms for a few different weapon options, as I built this army way before I new about magnets. I also had Wolf Claws on the Pack Leader, so I had to magnetise them as well so that I could get myself some weapon option for him in the future, for now though, lets get these bad boys painted!
The Year of the Wolf (part 1)
by IDICBeer | Jan 9, 2015