Game plan here is like many.. start with some sort of color as a base, in this case an orange brown color. Later on I will see that this was a poor choice.. but it is only paint and thus can always be painted over.

Layered in some more colors with the airbrush. Again it is just basic levels, and too monotone for the colors overall.

And then I went into a really weird direction, and not one that I can say was for the right on it. The beard was too bright at this point, and honestly not the direction that I wanted this bust to go in. I wanted it to be a lot darker, older, and aged like the wrinkles suspect.

And that is exactly what I did. And I really began to play with the shadows on this piece. I did not like how clean it was before. But it is in a style that is not one that I have learned much in classes as it is mostly finding the appropriate main colors, and then using GW Washes to help filter and adjust the colors.

Definitely in a much better direction for me here, and I can go much further on the skin of course. But the darker beard is really framing his face the way I would like it to be. And now that I have a direction that I like on this piece, the motivation is quite high to push forward on it!

And once I get a bit further on the beard, I will be working on the metal beads. They will also be a bit dark as I don't want them to pull focus either.

Though the gash on his forehead is looking good.. and will need to play around with it a bit further to make it look like it is a bit fresh, a comment that I received concerning my Slayer Bust that I pained 2 yrs ago.

Let's see how it goes in the coming weeks.. but more focus on the Portal entry.. let's see how that goes ;)