So, this blog post was originally going to be a battle report on the two versus two X-wing game from last Friday night.  It was Murl and I against Cheef and Vortil.  Vortil got to debut his Decimator and I was trying the Rebel Transport for the first time.  Cheef was first up for taking pics for his blog .... and had a camera with no battery in it.  So that put me up next .... and every single picture I took of the game didn't save on my phone.  No idea why, so the whole thing was crash and burn.  While the rebels took a pretty big beat down, it was fun running over the Decimator and a Lambda shuttle at the same time with the rebel transport.
So, with that out of the way, we'll move on to my Eridani Light Horse.  With the arrival of two Chippewa aerospace fighters and an unseen Griffin in the past few days, I'm now just 4 Aerospace fighters away from completing the 21st Striker Regiment.  The last five mechs (2 Stingers, a Panther, an Awesome, and the aforementioned Griffin) have all got their basecoat green and I'll be working on finishing their paint job this evening.  Once I get the regiment done, I plan on turning some of the unused mechs into an opposing force .... maybe some Kurita Sword of Light scumbags though I've never paint almost all red models before, so might turn out interesting.
Moving onto the next topic, one thing I've never been accused of when it comes to getting into a game system is not going all the way.  So in that vein, I have started an Aerospace force to transport and cover my Eridani Light Horse.  There will be part of the 161st Line Squadron and the 164th Escort Squadron, both part of the 16th Fleet assigned to the 16th Army which the Eridani Light Horse was attached to as an independent brigade for trouble shooting in Kurita space near the Lyran coreward border.
The 161st Line Squadron is represented by the Black Lion-class battlecruiser Fisher King, the Aegis-class heavy cruiser Kearsarge, the Sovetski Soyuz-class heavy cruiser Gyrefalcon, and the Sovetski Soyuz-class heavy cruiser Stormpetrel.  They've gotten their dark gray layer and still need to get some lighter gray sections and a color panel to represent where they were built.
The 164th Escort Squadron is represented by the Essex-class destroyer Oberon, and the Lola III-class destroyers Bellicose, Intrepid, and Royal Oak.  They're at the same level of progress as the 161st ships.  I still want to add another Essex destroyer and a pair of Whirlwinds to round out the force.  In both sets of ships I'm using the clan versions of the vessels due to the fact that I can't stand the cigar with stuff strapped on look of the star league pre-Exodus versions of the ships.

Now, on to Bolt Action and the progress there.  I'm slowly starting to acquire some models for this force and have a Red Devils box, a para recon jeep box with it's two jeeps, and a para medium mortar blister.  Also, I found a nice set of reasonably priced pin markers to use from a place over in North Carolina so they arrived two days after I paid for them on eBay.  They're nice nickel sized metal tokens with a bottom that raises them slightly to make them easy to pick up.  I'm really happy with these and got 3 sets of 10 for a bit over $20 including shipping.  The company is called Battlemarkers and can be found here as well as on eBay.  In addition to Bolt Action, they make markers for a variety of other game systems.
So that's all for now.  The next blog should have see the last 5 mechs finished, some progress on the naval vessels, and possibly some Battletech terrain.  I found about 15 trucks for real cheap that are sized for Battletech on eBay and am planning a sort of supply dump/support battalion base that can act as terrain as well as further build out my Eridani Light Horse.  We'll see how it goes as I'm still figuring that project out.  Talk to you all later.