The Forge World Cerastus Knight Acheron.
The Forge World Cerastus Knight Acheron.

I'm really pleased with the way games workshop has reintroduced Imperial Knights to the hobby, and i am even more pleased with what Forge world has done with them.
The Forge World Cerastus Knight Acheron.

Games workshops basic knight kit i feel is one of the better kits from recent years amongst a lot of "crap." I'm looking at you Dark angels speeders!
The Forge World Cerastus Knight Acheron.

The crests i feel looks absolutely fantastic. i really like the Cerastus platform nd hope to acquire one for myself soon!

The flamer looks the tits, however I'm not sure about the close combat weapon i don't see much improvement over the standard weapon.
The Forge World Cerastus Knight Acheron.

Anyway, has anyone managed to get one of these for themselves yet? how did you get it on with it?
The Forge World Cerastus Knight Acheron.

The devastation wrought by Knights-Acheron is terrifying to behold. Armed with a fearsome reaper chainfist, twin-linked heavy bolters and an Acheron pattern flame cannon, they are employed as weapons of extermination and to inspire fear in their foes. Nothing will sway their attack until the enemy is utterly crushed, never to rise again from the flame-scoured ruins of their strongholds.

The Cerastus Knight-Acheron can be taken as part of a Horus Heresy Mechanicum army, a Codex: Imperial Knights army and as a Lords of War choice for an Imperial faction army in games of Warhammer 40,000.

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