You may remember the gaming board of the Westfold which was the start for some good ol’ LotR-enthusiasm again. Flattervieh came up with a lot of very nice & fitting terrain, yet we were still in need of some mission objective markers for the two missions “Domination” and “hold ground!”. To underline the setting of a  rural and more realistic site I had the idea to include the Wargames Foundry civilians, as there are hardly any fitting LotR figures from GW around. Unfortunately their scale does not really fit the LotR setting as they are a bit to tall/massive. When I looked at this particular picture another idea popped up in my head. Their should be some farm animals around and luckily Wargames Foundry has some of them available, too. Fortunately the minor scale error does not apply here aswell. Sheep were a fitting choice for a harsh landscape like this.

You may now think that farm animals make no thrilling objective markers as we are used to mission markers which count as thermonuclear warheads, ready to cleanse entire planets. Yet losing a sheep could mean that a family won’t make it through the next winter in a rural area. So that’s what I had in mind and I think this understatement fits the aesthetics of the LotR game pretty darn well.

Five mission objective markers ...

Five mission objective markers …

... the backbone of Rohan's agriculture.

… the backbone of Rohan’s agriculture.

I guess it would not be so pleasant for the Rohirim to have wifes the size of an Uruk-Hai Captain.

I guess it would not be so pleasant for the Rohirim to have wifes the size of an Uruk-Hai Captain.

The sheep really look more suitable.

The sheep really look more suitable.