I quickly painted up plenty of the low-level undead I had floating around my reaper box, and bits box. Like the zombies, I'm trying to get a bank of commonly fought, low level enemies. Sure, painting a great big demon is fun, but I've never even played in a game that got high enough level to need the miniature.

The undead are stationed at Disneyland

Zombie magic user and zombie dance troupe

Spell slinger with skellingtons

Bits: CSM nurgle banner, mantic elves

A lot of the skeletons are just mantic elves with head swaps for small skulls.

Flame is a fiddly bit from the end of a chainsword.

The grass tufts are by army painter.

Trying to vary the reaper bones duplicated with hot water and paint jobs.

Quick and dirty paintjobs for a slow and dirty monsters. It was kind of fun, but I might make them less sloppy at some point. But probably not soon.