As you can see I am still in the LotR-mood! But after painting 13 Uruks in almost a row I needed something different again to keep the brush motivated. Therefore I came back to my main army, my own Orc tribe of the Misty Mountains (or Moria Goblins to be more precise).
When I painted my first Giant Spider and Ashrâk I thought adding lots of red would be a good idea. After some time the chosen colour was more and more…meh. So I threw the painted spider in a pot of acetone (old metal minis be blessed) and thought of a new colour scheme for my spiders. The first thing I had in mind was that there are two different models included in the giant spiders blister. The WYSIWYG-nerd inside of me appeared and noted that it would be really cool to have two different spiders not only from the model but also regarding their rules and paint scheme. If your force includes Ashrâk, you can upgrade any number of Giant Spiders to more poisonous Venom-Back Spiders for the cost of two points each. The best colour reference is mostly nature herself. Thus the Red Back Spider shall be the exemplar for Ashrâks spider brood and the colour for the regular giant spiders was heavily inspired by Wolf Spiders.