Hey all,
Cuz I'm getting rid of some Astra Millipede (aka Imperial Guard) metal stuffs. Scheduled to go up at 1800 28/1/15 GMT+10 (using GMT+/- cuz it's easy)
On the painting front, I've not posted it but I've done 7 bases of nurglings (3 of the tower kind, 4 of random nurglings stuck on a 40mm base kind) and made some headway with some putrid blightkings and some beastmen (the old box kind with 12 gor, 8 ungor).
Also, RE: Chaos:
The glottkin book is hilarious- I can apply marks of chaos to any beastmen gor unit. Applying the mark of Slaanesh for the 3rd Fibonacci number and every other god at the fourth Fibonacci number is a decent deal. Brown orcs no more! Rejoice for the gods are with thee (about f**king time too, what are the beastmen, fimir 2.0?).
MoS would help the piddly leadership of ungors/gors but seriously, with Ld9 T4 3+ coming at them target priority may be moved from T4 6+ to more dire threats. That and the mark of Khorne on regular gors/ bestigors looks good, so may try that out. Combining MoK with the new ambush rules could lead to some very sticky and gory situations.
Until the next time,
The Warlock
The Downsizening: Round III, Fight!
by The Warlock | Jan 26, 2015