So I thought these pictures and write up deserved its own post to do them justice! There were a lot of really great armies at the slaughter (and some terrible ones but I won’t name and shame!!) and it was amazing to finally see some of them in the flesh. Some of these armies are celebrities to me, getting to see them all at one event was incredible! I am incredibly honoured to come second in such a strong field and I left the event on such a high because of it! Thanks to everyone who voted for me and who came up to talk to me about the army, really made me feel great!

I loved all of the armies and it was great to talk to everyone about how they created their armies and nice to get tips on how I could improve for my next army. It was great that everyone was so approachable and was happy to talk techniques, conversions and colour theory! Big congrats to Byron for coming 1st (he got my vote!) and Mark for coming 3rd. All the other guys really had some beautiful armies, it was great to see them all in one place!

Painting Nominees:
Byron Orde (High Elves)
Rich Payne (OrcOgres)
Mark Wildman (Eternity King - Purple)
Ben Johnson (Skaven)
Dave Sweeting (OnG – Yellow)
Neil Peckett (Eternity King – Autumn)
Adam Cunis (Legions of Chaos – Beastmen)
Les Martin (Daemons of Chaos)
Joel Smith (OnG – Skarsnik)
Dave Pyle (Dark Elves)

Other Notable Armies pictured below:
Tim Fisher (DoC) – Dropped Out
Steve Wren (Empire) – brought a silly, silly Legions of Chaos list ;)

Anyway I will let the pictures do the talking, I tried my best to get good pictures but the lighting wasn’t great in some of the shots. I should have brought my black cloth for people to use!

Once again thanks to all who came and spoke with me, you really made the weekend awesome!