Shoulder pads are often the best and easiest way of personalising an army. You can fit a surprising amount of detail onto a pad, and subtle differences in logos and trim can really change a whole model. Today, I’m making an offering to the god of plagues, with some shoulder pads from one of my favourite companies of 2014, Spellcrow.

For £6.50, you get ten shoulder pads with five designs in each set. I was supplied with set version three, which is currently on offer at £4.71 a set. This set comes with some unique looking pads, including leering plague-ridden faces, barnacle-crusted plates and corrupted imperial patterns (scrolled pad). For those itnerested, here is sets one and two.

As with some plague-god-themed stuff, it can be hard to tell if something is miscast or entirely intentional. With the more disfigured pads this is the case. From what I can tell, though, is that the quality does appear pretty good. There was a bit of flash here and a mould-line there, but the parts do scrub up well, and the more intricate components (aka face-pad) are crisp. So from a quality perspective, Spellcrow gets a solid A-.

 These shoulder pads are well-suited for use on Space Marines (as shown on the test model), and the level of detail is matched to that of the model. With a couple of pads I’ve seen, the details have been noticeably chunkier than that of the model there intended for, and this can detract from the model. Not these ones, these pads are perfect for the scale.

And as you can expect, they work well with other Spellcrow parts, as shown on this test-bed model. The designs match those used by other parts within the range, so they all go seamlessly together.

In conclusion, these pads are well-suited for use on any Plague armies out there, be they Death Guard or otherwise. Whether it’s converting basic marines or mixing into other parts and ranges, these are worth considering (especially with the sale that’s currently running). Currently there are no Terminator-sized pads, but I expect that they’ll branch into those soon, after seeing their newly released Plague Lord.