Well, The Emperor's Floaty Skulls seems to be cemented now and the first squad has been washed with casandora yellow.
Founded in M30-something, The Emperor's Floaty Skulls were created as a result of an unfortunate mishap in an AdMech biology lab when a careless magos spilled 70% isopropyl alcohol into a cache of gene-seed, thus forever stunting the growth of the new chapter and cursing them to never take the universe seriously. Or something like that. No-one's really sure how they were founded but one day they just...sort of sprung up like yellow obnoxious mushrooms. Anyway, they wear power armour in a ghastly and garish shade of yellow that is reminiscent of sherbet lemons.
Whilst many in the Imperial hierarchy question the loyalty of The Emperor's Floaty Skulls, it should be said that the EFS can't spell complicated words save for commanding officers, so they get a pass. That and they kill heretics, always a good sign that they're loyal. Maybe. Hopefully.
Due to being a nonsensical chapter in a Grim Dark 'this is super serious fer reals' setting, the EFS no longer have the ability to produce new marines. This is okay, as they recruit the toughest/nastiest/strongest/etc human scum from across the galaxy. Each new recruit is subjected to a healthy diet, adequate sleep, pin-up magazines, anabolic steriods, catabolic steroids, skittles, beer and pretzels, older editions of 40k and TV soap operas in order to pycho-condition them for battle.
Noone know why the chapter was founded or if they truly are loyal, the only thing certain about the EFS is that many an inquisitor raises an eyebrow when members of the EFS stare at servo skulls with an awe to rival any primarch. Historians believe that servo skulls may be the original floaty skulls which the chapter's name is based off. This is mere conjecture though but it does appear to have a small grain of truth.
I need to get the relief/secondary colour tomorrow so I can really made headway. Untill then,
The Warlock