Hey all,
Whilst a great deal of progress has been made on my Chaos Grand Legion, I've begun to lose some steam with it and have about 4-5 partially painted units. To avoid a painting funk/burnout I have been thinking about swapping projects for a bit and paint a few other things, mainly SPEHHS MEHRENS.
Totally not inspired by a certain Draconic individual dusting off his Beaky Beakies, a 10-man squad of metal space marines (nine 2nd ed death co. with chaplain) and a plastic AoBR dread have been primed white. The plan is to
a) Use the cool blood angel miniatures
b) Have a chapter that can alternate between C:SM and C:BA
As the death company miniatures from all editions look cool and the additional skulls on the armour help make them feel more Grimdark. They are gonna be painted yellow via washes. Maybe a light spray of yellow for vehicles and such, but largely yellow washes. Well, yellow with a light blue as a secondary/relief colour- to break up the monotony.
With regards to chapter name, there's temptation to go either way with 'serious' or 'silly' names. So far there's "The Emperor's Floaty Skulls" for silly and "Death Crusaders" for serious. Any name suggestion will be most welcome though I would prefer silly names as 40k was rather satirical in the beginning.
I'll have a look through C:SM and try and find a way to implement dreadnoughts.
Off on a tangent here- I know BA death co can take death co dreads in squads but wouldn't it be cool-ish if a dread could accompany a regular tac squad?
I can’t think of a title name. No seriously I can’t.
by The Warlock | Jan 30, 2015