Nick speaking,

As many of you know, I am a big fan of the Mawloc model, and I have had a double Mawloc Loc List for some time now. Having recently painted my third and final Mawloc, and with Drop Pods back in, I thought it was time to redo my list and update it to a Triple Loc List for 7th Edition.

First of all, in an ideal world, I would like to swap out the Hive Guard for a Hive Crone, but I still have to build and paint mine, so for now the Hive Guard is in. They will sit behind or beside the ADL along with the Tervigon, Gants and Venomthropes Blob. The two Flyrants will move on up and then the three Locs will hit. This list is built for fun and to get three of my favourite minis on the table, but please let me know what you think and all suggestion are most welcome...

1 x Flyrant/Devourers (230)
1 x Flyrant/Devourers (230)

1 x Tervigon/Regeneration (225)
30 x Termagants (120)
20 x Termagants/14x Devourers/6x  Fleshborer/Pod/Strangler (236)
19 x Termagants/14x Devourer/5x  Fleshborer/Pod/Strangler (232)

2 x Venomthropes (90)
3x Hive Guard (165)

1 x Mawloc (140)
1 x Mawloc (140)
1 x Mawloc (140)

1 x Aegis Defence Line (50)

1998 points