Onto the third unit in my Anglo Saxon warband, a point of Warriors. 

The two points of warriors make up the core of my warband, and when I get round to expanding it, they will both be expanded to twelve men each to take advantage of the many special rules that the Anglo Saxons have.

Like all my other Dark Ages figures these are Gripping Beast plastics, in this case their Saxon Thegns kit. They were made using the slightly less ostentatious parts, saving the fancy helmets for the Hearthguard.

As I detailed in my previous post, these men were painted almost exclusively with the army colours of green, red and off-white - everything else being a natural colour.

The two units of warriors can be told apart by their spears - this unit have them held upright, while the others have them in fighting positions.

These slightly more relaxed figures will also make excellent guards for skirmish games or RPGs. I've been pondering a dark ages style D&D campaign for a while now.

Next up will be the hearthguard, along with some group shots of the warband so far.