Bealocwealm hafað fréone frecan forth onsended
giedd sculon singan gléomenn sorgiende
on Meduselde þæt he ma no wære
Þæt he ma nowere is, þurh niedig rest.
And mægen deorost

An evil death has set forth the noble warrior
A song shall sing sorrowing minstrels
in Meduseld that he is no more,
That he is nowhere anymore, for his necessary rest.
And that he is the dearest kinsman.
Killing took him…

The eloquence of Tolkien’s works has always been very fascinating for me, thus I enjoy to share some examples of Tolkien related writings in the Blog posts in case they seem appropriate. I bet you can all remember the mourning song of Éowyn which she sang during Théodred’s burial in the Two Towers movie.
When I saw that you’ll need something like a hill for the sixth points match game “The High Ground” it was clear that something had to be done about this. As we are still busy with our Rohan themed gaming board the idea for the hill in question was pretty clear from the start on. What could have been more fitting than the barrow of a deceased hero of the Eorlingas? The strong symbolism of such a burial mound will be worth fighting for, for both the defenders aswell as the marauding attackers. So I sat down, grabbed some foam board and paint and started to build me an own little hill. Of course I had to plant lots of Simbelmynë as they “grow where dead men rest”.

The center piece for the "The High Ground" scenario of the Hobbit points match games.

The center piece for the “The High Ground” scenario of the Hobbit points match games.

A noble son of Eorl is having his rest here and the Simbelmynë are in full bloom.

A noble son of Eorl is having his rest here and the Simbelmynë are in full bloom.

The start: A plastic card base, foam board blogs and some green stuff ornamentation (like on Théodred's grave).

The start: A plastic card base, foam board blogs and some green stuff ornamentation (like on Théodred’s grave).

Some plaster gave the hill its final shape.

Some plaster gave the hill its final shape.

White glue, sand and some little rocks completed the terrain piece.

White glue, sand and some little rocks completed the terrain piece.

Desecration! The Uruk-Hai took a day off and poses as a scale reference.

Desecration! The Uruk-Hai took a day off and poses as a scale reference.