Turns out yellow is fun to wash over a white base then highlight, but makes it hard to find a secondary colour that works (that won't make them Imperial Fist companies) which means that the Emperor's Floaty Skulls idea is going to be terminated. Hngh (I am most distraught). On the plus side, I'm gonna commit 100% of my SPEHSS MEHRENS to Blood Angels as the red zooper dooper sucking marines distributing dismembership cards to the foe look quite sweet. That and well, no access to centurions has got to be worth a smidgen of respect, right?
Love at first sight. DoW was fun, "Even in death I still serve" |
Also they can field DREADNOUGHTS en masse (sort of like OGRYNS only more DREADful). In total I have 5 (mostly AoBR cheapos) with a plastic DC/Furiousioieieious dreadnought on the way (gonna run him with blood talons in conjunction with his metal counterpart whose armament is 2 DCCW w/ meltagun and hvy flamer), allowing me to free up the frag cannon (what I would want if I were a dreadnought- it says "f**k you and f**k anyone near you") and the librarian staff though I dislike the idea of psychic dreadnoughts.
Image from ebay. Fig 1: The Warlock's proposed funeral arrangements |
In addition to the dreadnoughts, there's death company, which will be an exciting adventure into highlighting black (which such a one has never before done- no seriously!) and 1d4chan's 7th tactics for the blood angles (seeing the typo online cracks me up- bring me the protractor of gore!) states that regular predators are a go, so a pred destructor w/ no sponsons is a relatively cheap HS slot.
On the topic of dreads, the loadout for all 6 (once #6 arrives) would be:
- DC dread- DCCW, meltagun and hvy flamer
- DC dread- BLURD talons, meltagun, hvy flamer
- Hellfire dread [you know the loadout ;) ]
- Dreadnought- Assault cannon, DCCW
- Dreadnought - MM, DCCW
- Furiosiouseieioious dreadnought- Frag cannon, DCCW (sadly the psyker can't take the frag cannon)
Old? Check. Cantankerous? Check. Metal? Check. |
Obviously they're all not going to see action at once seeming DC and DC dreads are now separate choices -_- oh wait- Unbound! :) I can have that cake and eat it too! Hopefully.
Anyhow, I'll have to trade my C: SM for C: BA. While the idea of the EFS was fun, the yellow was hard to match up with colours even following colour theory. Gonna look at the progenitor and successor chapters for the BA to decide on a scheme.
Til then,
The Warlock