In exactly four months time I'll be hosting the ninth Blog Wars tournament at the North West Gaming Centre in Stockport, UK. Tickets are on sale now and can be purchased by sending £17.50 per ticket to on PayPal. Please use the "Family or Friends" option as it saves me a fortune in fees which means more prizes for you guys. If you're buying multiple tickets please let me know the names AND email addresses of the other players so I can keep in touch with them in the run up to the event. Please remember that, whilst it used to be bloggers only, Blog Wars is open to both bloggers and non-bloggers alike (i.e. anyone and everyone!).

Your ticket fee includes three games of 40K at 1,850pts in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere, lunch, spot prizes, tournament prizes and most importantly entry into the raffle with a top prize of an £85 Imperial Knight! That's included in your ticket, just by showing up you're eligible to win that and other prizes.

Please take your time to read through the event pack here. If you have any questions please contact me ASAP so that I can get back to you well in advance of the event. The army selection may seem complicated at first but it's deceptively simple and hopefully doesn't penalise any particular army too much. I'm going to give a lot of thought to whether I reduce the restrictions on Lords of War but they will definitely still be restricted in some way. Forge World will not be allowed at Blog Wars 9 but I'll revisit the situation before BW10.

Whilst I'm on the subject I received an exciting parcel today all the way from the USA. When I ordered the F.A.T. mat for Rob Hill (who won the 1 million views competition) I also ordered two more to be given away at Blog Wars 9 and 10. I have to say I'm massively jealous of whoever wins these mats as, even though I own one myself, I'd love to have either of these designs available for my games. I'm also jealous because the mats now come in a fancy zip up bag with carry straps whereas mine just has a drawstring bag (since I was a Kickstarter backer).

Anyway, the Grassy Plains mat will be just one of the many raffle prizes at Blog Wars 9 whilst the Urban Combat mat will be on offer at Blog Wars 10 on November 7th (save the date!). The Urban Combat mat is particularly smart as the streets mark out the usual Dawn of War/Hammer & Anvil deployment whilst cleverly placed lights/rubble mark out the diagonals for Vanguard Strike. Brilliant idea if you ask me!

I'll be announcing the other raffle prizes nearer the time but rest assured they'll include the now obligatory Imperial Knight. Of course if I sell the full 40 tickets I'll add in an extra raffle prize (or two). I might even consider upping the capacity to 50 players but this would be the absolute maximum to avoid losing the friendly atmosphere.

Right then. I'll hopefully see a good number of you at BW9 in June. You have four months to get your armies painted up (or at least to three colours) so you best get cracking!