Following on from last week's rant about what makes the Space Wolves special - Beyond the really obvious things like Thunderwolf Cavalry - I've spent considerable time carefully crafting an army list, created from the little hidden gems in the Codex. Not that there really are (m)any at all.

But then, I was chatting about army lists with Jordan Powell who sent me the simplest, cheesiest little Space Wolves army I've ever seen.

And I kicked myself for not seeing what was right there under my nose.

I'd spent so long trying to SQUEEEEZE every drop of goodness from every unit that I didn't simply pick the best of the new stuff to make an army.

After all, it's easy to look at Tau or Nurgle Chaos and throw together a list from all the cool new stuff that works.

Tau: Farsight enclaves, Crisis suits with missiles, Crisis suits with fusion blasters, Commander with markerlight drone swarm, Riptide, Hammerhead, Skyray, another Riptide.

Nurgle Chaos: Chaos Marine Lord on bike, leading Spawn, Plague Marines in Rhino, Cultists in Bastion, Heldrake, Heldrake, Heldrake, Plague Drones, Plague Drones, Plaguebearers, Herald.

You get the idea.

So here is a tale of two army lists.

And yes, I will build both in time.

List 1: Old Busted

Ulrik the Slayer, he's my hero.

Drop Pods ensure I can get across the board and in the enemy's face from Turn 1.

More Drop Pods help me to plug the gaps in my battle line and claim objectives.

"Objective Secured" and a load of Grey Hunters in Drop Pods, backed up by Combi-Weapon waving Wolfguard and a Berseker Dreadnought in Drop Pods too.

"Claim the objectives and hang on to them for dear life." That's my plan.

It's strange for me to focus on playing to win the objectives, rather than go on a blood thirsty rampage, but maybe those years of playing Tau (when they were crap) and Eldar (when there were okay) have rubbed off on me?

1500pts Core Force

Ulrik the Slayer

"Bonesy" the Berserker Dreadnought: venerable, blizzard shield & great axe
Drop Pod

6 Wolf Guard: 6 combi-plasma
Drop Pod

6 Wolf Guard: 6 combi-melta
Drop Pod

6 Grey Hunters: extra close combat weapons, melta gun, wolf standard
+Wolf Guard Pack Leader: terminator armour, combi-melta, storm shield
Drop Pod: homing beacon

10 Grey Hunters: extra close combat weapons, 2 melta guns
Drop Pod

10 Grey Hunters: extra close combat weapons, 2 melta guns
Drop Pod

5 Grey Hunters: melta gun
Drop Pod


Without a doubt, there are some lists that this will struggle against.

There's no anti-air for starters.

And there's nothing that can easily take on an Imperial Knight.

Although if I mass most of my Melta guns, I should be fine, combined with a noble sacrifice from "Bonesy" the Berserker Dreadnought.

However, it's not outside the realms of probability for him to survive a round of combat with one and knock off a few hull points in the process!

Typically, the 3 large packs of Grey Hunters, led by Ulrik and "Bonesy" will arrive via Drop Pod Assault on Turn 1 and establish a foothold.

The Wolf Guard will arrive from reserve from Turn 2 onwards to reinforce the foothold. Or to go after key targets.

It's likely that the 5 Grey Hunters will get dropped on an Objective.

But, because I'm using a Standard Detachment, all my Troops choices and their Transports have the "Objective Secured" special rule.

This army is all about seizing the objectives and hanging on to them to score as many points as possible.

Taking it up to 1850pts

Arjac Rockfist
+2 Wolf Guard to each Wolf Guard pack

Wolfguard Battle Leader: terminator armour, chainfist, storm shield


I decided to pimp out the Wolf Guard. After all, they're not bad even after they've fired their combi-weapons, leaving them with Bolters and 2 Attacks each. This effectively makes them Grey Hunters.

Getting Arjac Rockfist into the army is an absolute must. He's great value for points, incredibly tough and hard hitting. Don't forget that he can throw his hammer too!

Then, I needed someone equally as hard-as-nails to lead the other Wolf Guard pack. I found the perfect use for my now defunct Lone Wolf conversion, because a Wolf Guard Battle Leader (or Wolf Lord) can still take a Chainfist and Storm Shield combo, while a Lone Wolf cannot.

Taking it up to 2000pts

Lone Wolf: terminator armour, wolf claw, storm shield, melta bombs

Lone Wolf: terminator armour, thunder hammer, storm shield, melta bombs


With only 150pts left to spend, not much was really going to cut the mustard. Certainly not a handful of more Grey Hunters in a Drop Pod.

I had considered Skyclaws harrassing enemy troops with 2 Flamers, but felt I should stick to the 'on foot' asthetic of the army list.

Lone Wolves are still good fun and hard to kill. I feel that these two are the best weapon combinations as well.

So there you have a 2,000pts army.

List 2: New Hotness

Here's the list that Jordan sent me.

Personally, I'm not a fan of Harald Deathwolf, although it's recommended that you take him in a Thunderwolves list because he makes them Stubborn with his Leadership of 10.

This should guarantee that they don't run away. Because if they do, the game could be over.

I've also criticised the Stormfang vs the Stormwolf in the past. But in its role of 'gunship" loaded out with lascannons, multi-meltas and a helfrost lance, it's not bad at taking out heavily armoured tanks, monstrous creatures, knights and of course, other flyers.

A second Iron Priest with a Servitor ride inside to fix hull points and weapons on a 4+.

1500pts Core Force

Harald Deathwolf

Berserker Dreadnought: venerable, blizzard shield & great axe
Drop Pod

Berserker Dreadnought: venerable, blizzard shield & great axe
Drop Pod

3 Thunderwolf Cavalry: 3 storm shields, 1 power fist, 1 wolf claw, 1 thunder hammer

3 Thunderwolf Cavalry: 3 storm shields, 1 power fist, 1 wolf claw, 1 thunder hammer

Iron Priest: Thunderwolf mount, 3 cyberwolves

Iron Priest: 1 Servitor

Stormfang: Lascannon, multi-meltas


Obviously, this force uses the Company of the Great Wolf detachment from the Champions of Fenris supplement.

This gives all of the Thunderwolf Cavalry +1WS. Although every Character in this force MUST always accept and issue Challenges. But they do get Preferred Enemy in Challenges, which is nice too.

The idea behind this army is to use your Dreadnoughts as the Anvil and your Thunderwolves as the Hammer.

Trap the enemy between the two. Charge in and carnage ensues.

Stormfang flies about zapping things.

I really like this kind of army, because each unit is tough, hard hitting and very mobile.

Although I do wonder if it drown in the sheer weight of numbers from a numerous Imperial Guard, Tau or Ork force?

Expanding the Force

Because this army is made up of the most cost effective units that are pretty much capable of looking after themselves, adding on additional units is just so easy.

You can either add on more of the same units, lose 20pts from somewhere and add an Imperial Knight to take it up to 1850pts, or include some units from the Drop Pod army list above.

Arjac Rockfist leading combi-plasma waving Wolf Guard in a Drop Pod perhaps?

Wolf Guard bikers maybe?


I'm really interested to start playing games with my objective grabbing drop pod force and see whether playing the mission can overcome the usual smashing face stategy.

Either way, I have a lot of Space Wolves to build and paint...