This week continues with the Scale75 75mm models from the Fallen Frontier range.

Still liking the range here.

I love how the boxart on this one came out, though I cannot say that I would or will be attempting a NMM styling on the model itself. I will try it with TMM styled instead.

Though the skintones on the box here is pretty cool, but I wouldn't mind something with more purple in it. Something akin to the Cabbage head bust I did a while back.

Opening the box again a bit of a surprise. Everything is at the top level here. Including the base plate. But it is casted from resin though, which compared to Fink Draad's is kind of strange. Not sure on why the switch here.

Thankfully the model is in limited pieces though.

Though the fit of the main body and the legs are not the greatest. They will need to be sanded down a bit. Along with the hand joins in order to make them fit properly. Though again the stance of the model is one that will allow for full assembly before painting.

I might actually use the base plate from this one.. only cause it has the sci-fi look/feel to it that I can see with this model ( probably why it was included! ).

As always, great to have the piece, but never know when I will be painting it up. Hope this helps to others that might be thinking about these type of models. Enjoy!