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This Beer & Bolters 40k Podcast is brought to you by: Beer & Bolters 40K Facebook: YouTube: Tabled Miniatures Paint Studio Facebook: Individually tailored miniature painting commissions – we only paint at the top levels, because you deserve the best! Defending Our Myths and Heroes Facebook: Defending Our Myths And Heroes is dedicated to doing just that. Our mission is twofold. Part one: Preserving the image of what DMH considers to be our modern day myths. To us Batman and Superman are the modern day King Arthur. We do this with respecting the characters in every way we interpret them. Contest: We’ll have a new contest soon, stay tuned for more free stuff! Whispers from the Warp (News & Rumors): Forgeworld Weekender 2015 A TON of new models are being released in the near future, and they look AWESOME! Check out our Facebook page for pictures of some of them! Alexis Polux - Captain of the Imperial Fists Solar Auxilia Quad Multia-Laser Rapier Batteries Quad Mortar Rapier Batteries Ogryn Charonite Squad Stormhammer Super-Heavy Assault Tank Command Section Mhara Gal Tainted Dreadnought Scyllax Guardian-Automata NEW BLOODTHIRSTER KIT!!! Robute Guilliman Primarch model Deredeo Dreadnought w/ Hellfire Plasma Connonade S7 AP2 Heavy 4 S7 AP2 Heavy 1, Gets Hot, Large Blast Autilon Skorr Consul-Delegatus of the Alpha Legion Armillus Dynat of the Alpha Legion Narik Dreygur Consul-Praevian of the Iron Warriors Imperial Primus Redoubt Gun Mechanicum Ordinatus Mechanicum Thanatar Calix Legion Vindicator Laser Destroyer Array Astartes Xiphon Interceptor Space Marine Sokar Pattern Stormbird Ruinstorm Daemon Prince Samus Pre and Post Heresy Primarch Models Harlequins Coming Soon Codex: Harlequins Datacards Harlequins Harlequin Starweaver Warriors of the Laughing God: A Harlequins Painting Guide Harlequins Dice Already Out (or out this week) Harlequin Solitaire Harlequin Troupe Necrons are now out! The new Codex is VERY powerful Expect a ton of Wraith spam Very, very strong formations Ignore the haters, this Codex is SERIOUSLY strong Vox Broadcast (Videos of the Week): Shield of Baal Leviathan Review by Beer and Bolters 40K Chris and Adam do a quick overview and story review of the new Shield of Baal Leviathan. The Fang! Beer and Bolters 40K Themed Game Room! We have had some requests for some detailed look at our game room, so here you are! Hope you guys enjoy and don't forget to like us on Facebook and and please subscribe! Chapter Meeting (Q&A/Discussion): Johnny: Have you ever sold one of your armies, and then regretted it afterwards? Johnny: What army do you want to play but haven’t yet? Mark: Have you played any of the updated Cities of Death missions yet? Kyle: What are some of your favorite beers? Kyle: Have you ever drank a beer that was too awful to finish? Szymon: Can you guys make a Space Wolves Painting Guide? Jacob: Can you guys do a video on how Adam does his snow basing, and on how he magnetized Logan Grimnar? Gregg: Are there any lists that you would never play against?