Hey all,

Got my codex, libby and furioso dread today and started reading through the new book. What hurts me most is that:

a) Death Company squads start at 5 and go to 15, as opposed to 3-30 + a DC dread for every 10.
b) DC dreads are now separate choices in elites, so there's the normal elite crowding plus the crowding of three types of dreadnought in there.

Welp, I better gets me a copy of 7th or transcribe the digital copy into my 6th book if 7th is truly the consolidated 6th.

Anyway, I looked at the dread libby and thought 'damn that spear looks wicked' so long story short I've ordered a second right arm from FW for the libby dread (torso, legs and exhaust ordered via bitz store). Since this leave me with 7 dreads (I HAVE A PROBLEM OK) I found a nifty tutorial on mutilating the old Assault on Black Reach dreadnought into a furioso dread. Essentially it's RIP AND TEAR the front hatch off, dry fit, add plasticard where needed, glue the front hatch into place.

Here's the culprit so far-

Why can't I feel my everything?
He's gonna be loaded out with the AoBR dread power fist and then the frag cannon. Any tictacs or tactics or even kitkats on how to best utilise this guy (and other dreads) would be appreciated. The nice thing about the hack job I did is that there's now ruined dread sarcophagus pieces I can use in terrain :D

Also there's a surprise this Saturday *shhhhhhh*

The Warlock