That’s quite an atypical update today as I usually work on my more or less strict schedule for my WHQ project log:
– Warhammer Quest box (finished)
– Lair of the Orc Lord (almost finished)
– Catacombs of Terror (next big thing)
– The rest with WD expansions and own ideas.
After reading much about the Skaven during the last couple of days I guess the Rat Golem was just not enough. I was in the mood to paint some more for the Domain of the Horned Rat expansion. Thus I searched for a fitting miniature for the Skryre Warlock Quirrik. The Island of Blood Warlock was just what I was looking for. Even though Quirrik is a spell caster and won’t use his gun in the game the model really screams out loud “Clan Skryre”. That’s why I just had to use it for my dungeon.

Quirrik first came to the Council of Thirteen’s attention when he wrested power from his master in the small Skaven lair of Dreadpeak in the Grey Mountains. Using his seemingly innate knowledge of warpstone and his vicious cunning, Quirrik tricked his overlord, Grey Seer Meerlat, into performing an experiment which proved to be fatal (Quirrik had earlier sabotaged the components which led to a somewhat explosive end to Meerlat’s research). Having already spent a year in preparation for this event, Quirrik was almost unopposed when he declared himself chieftain. Any opposition was quickly silenced by his personal bodyguard of Rat Ogres and Stormvermin, plus some well-paid Assassins of Clan Eshin.
Seeing much potential in Quirrik, the Council of Thirteen dispatched one of the Lords of Clan Skryre, the dreaded Ikit Claw. As Quirrik quailed before Ikit Claw, believing wrongly that he had somehow affronted the Council with his well timed coup, the Warlock began confessing to the theft of warpstone which he had been using in his own secret experiments. Ikit Claw was well pleased by his ambition and passed on Lord Morskittar’s commands to go to Middenheim, to replace the recently deceased leader of that outpost. The previous ruler had died in mysterious circumstances, somehow contriving to strangle himself with his own tail…
With a steadier supply of warpstone for his experiments, Quirrik has already completed one project and is well on his way to completing his next. Beneath Middenheim, in Quirrik’s laboratory, is hidden a massive Warpfire generator, much more powerful than any other of its kind. With this, Quirrik hopes to smash the defences of Middenheim and then storm the stunned defenders with an army of his other creation – the Rat Golem.

Quirrik - Clan Skryre Warlock

Quirrik – Clan Skryre Warlock

Quirrik and his creation, the Rat Golem.

Quirrik and his creation, the Rat Golem.

Quirrik does not feel safe without at least a small army between himself and his enemies. So, when encountered as an Unexpected Event, he is always placed like a Monster armed with a missile weapon: as far from the Warriors as possible!

Quirrik does not feel safe without at least a small army between himself and his enemies. So, when encountered as an Unexpected Event, he is always placed like a Monster armed with a missile weapon: as far from the Warriors as possible!