This weekend I have been mostly building and magnetising my Venerable Dreadonught who I like to call "Bonesy".

So behold "Bonesy" in all his glory. Shield raised, axe about to swing and pinned to another of Anvil Industry's fantastic City Rubble bases.

Basically I copied Arjac Rockfists' pose for my Dreadnought. It just seemed to make sense. Although magnetising him at the waist was far more tricky than expected due to the angle I wanted the torso to come down at.

Why magnetise him?

Because I've had some magnets lying around for a few years now and wanted to put my collection of new drill bits to good use!

Although, appealing though a cordless electric drill is, you should really stick to the little modelling hand drill for safety.

I've also been goofing around with a spare Drop Pod that someone gave me before batch-building the 7 Drop Pods that I need for my army.

The previous owner had built their drop pod in sections for painting, which could later be slotted and glued together.

They had also made a start magnetising the doors, which was something I was keep to have a go at as well. After all, there's nothing as annoying as a Drop Pod that simply won't close for storage.

I had contemplated gluing all of my Drop Pods shut, but having seen the amount of issues this seems to raise in tournament play, I felt it better to make them all open.

Either the Drop Pods were declared to totally block line of sight (which is preferable) or that they did not block line of sight at all as they should be open (definitely not preferable).

Also that if the Drop Pods are sealed shut, then the Storm Bolters inside cannot fire.

That would mean I'd miss out on 17 shots per turn - and in my eyes every single shot counts.

Anyway, stay tuned for more Space Wolves Project updates as a begin batch building 7 Drop Pods, loads more Grey Hunters, awesome Characters and finally, some Forge World converted Wolf Guard.

Then I'll be breaking out The Army Painter to get it all done at record speed!