Unfortunately I didn't have a great deal of time to invest in another game system by the time it arrived and so after checking the pile of extras on arrival I did bugger all with it. However after being knocked off my bike by a car and unable to work (my job involves a lot of walking about and lifting of awkward lumps of metal) I actually have time to sort through my various piles of hobby...even if I am doing it one handed and with the occasional break for painkillers to take effect...
I'm hoping to get a review of the game-play itself together for in a few weeks time but for now lets have a look at what's in the basic box set and what the quality is like...
Click on the pictures for larger versions.
Quite a lot of Stuff.
Their was quite a lot of extra bits and pieces that arrived with my Kickstarter pledge but I'll just be covering what's in the 'Core' box in this particular feature.
The Box.
It wouldn't be an unboxing without a picture of the box...
Instruction Book.
The book is of good quality and is well laid out in a logical and user friendly order, There are diagrams explaining pretty much every aspect of the game and the playable 'heroes' each have their own section. The mission parts are also clearly laid out and explained.
Board Sections.
The material used is sturdy enough so that they should stand up to repeat use and are double-sided for use in different scenarios. There are a few different sizes and their use is clearly explained in the instruction booklet. I've included pictures of both sides...
Myth Counters and Board Pieces.
The pieces are of the 'push-out' variety and are also double sided so I've included pictures of both sides...
Game Accessories.
Each player get's their own 'stat card' to keep track of all their various possessions and statistics and 'The Darkness' gets one as well, 'The Darkness' being the game itself trying it's best to murder you. Basically the more the players get up to the more actions the darkness gets to do against you...
Dice and Card Sets.
Far too many cards for me to show you them all but here's some pictures of the various decks...and the dice...
The Models.
There are models to represent the heroes and others to represent the minions of darkness. These are just the ones from the core box...there are lots of others available and those of you who got this game through the Kickstarter will have picked up some bonus ones as well. The quality is more than adequate for gaming purposes and is in many cases above the standard you'd expect for board game pieces. There are some quite significant mould lines on a few models but nothing that would be an issue to even the most casual of hobbyists and are only really worth worrying about if you're planning on painting them...
The Bad Guys.
So that's what you're getting for your money. Hopefully I will have a game-play review for you at some point in the next few weeks...
Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.