Evening guys and girls,

Very small update for you all tonight. The Mhara Gal that I ordered at the Horus Heresy weekender arrived earlier in the week, its an absolutely stunning model.

I thought I would take a few pictures of some of the parts as I haven't seen many pics of it online:

I'm certainly looking forward to painting it up, however I think I will be keeping it as a reward for finishing a chunk of other Word Bearers bits. Hopefully the pictures will be useful to any of you guys on the fence about possibly picking one up.

And now its time for a shout out:

The most recent addition to the Irregulars, none other than the Bearded Scotsman Grizz has finally started a blog:

now Grizz needs plenty of nagging to keep up his interest in hobbying so feel free to hassle him. He does rather enjoy playing X-wing so I'm sure we could all badger him into writing about that too ;)

Well thats it for now guys, I'll be back for my normal weekend update :