Since I was brooding and being a grumpy old man (at 23, not a good sign :P) about having BS2 when operating spray primers, I decided to deviate from Chaos and Blood Angels to churn out a regiment or two for my Orc and Goblin force.
Though my first army was Dwarfs, O+G (coincidentally a cereal brand shares this name) are my 'default' army and one which I can paint to quite a decent standard. As such, whenever I feel like I suck at painting, out come a regiment and morale is restored. Or animosity rolls passed, whichever works. To highlight the fact that GW primers work for me, I used a half-empty can of skull white to spray 20 orcs with 2hw. Needless to say even a half gone can worked wonders for me and everything went on smooth, leaving details and had good coverage. Army painter, what gives? :'(
My Warboss brings da boyz to da Waaagh |
Back to the orcs and gobbos though, a thin layer of goblin green followed by a mix of lahmian medium and biel-tan green helped deepen the green and bring out some depth.
And de're like, I'm gonna krump ya |
Sadly the pictures don't translate this very well and there aren't more progress pics, but I did find a use for kommando khaki after about 10 years. Not too sure how to proceed with a wash over it- sepia? brown? fleshtone? yellow?
Orcs in WHFB are BS3, despite only having bows as a ranged choice |
Anyhow, uni starts back up tomorrow morning so I'll be practicing what I preach!
The Warlock