Hey all,

Since I was brooding and being a grumpy old man (at 23, not a good sign :P) about having BS2 when operating spray primers, I decided to deviate from Chaos and Blood Angels to churn out a regiment or two for my Orc and Goblin force. 

Though my first army was Dwarfs, O+G (coincidentally a cereal brand shares this name) are my 'default' army and one which I can paint to quite a decent standard. As such, whenever I feel like I suck at painting, out come a regiment and morale is restored. Or animosity rolls passed, whichever works. To highlight the fact that GW primers work for me, I used a half-empty can of skull white to spray 20 orcs with 2hw. Needless to say even a half gone can worked wonders for me and everything went on smooth, leaving details and had good coverage. Army painter, what gives? :'( 

My Warboss brings da boyz to da Waaagh
I used white for these orcs as normally I use black but wanted to try out lighter cloth colours for orcs in addition to trying the 'thin layers/wash' method of painting. Cracking open a bottle of goblin green felt so good, I remember back when I kinda-sorta got into wargaming. It was 2004ish, the Battlegames in Middle-Earth magazine had just started and $5.95 was a score for a mag, 12 goblins and some paint. At $12.95 thereafter, it was the perfect gateway into pushing little plastic dudes around. More to the point everything was on goblin green bases :) and there was actual content within each little magazine.

Back to the orcs and gobbos though, a thin layer of goblin green followed by a mix of lahmian medium and biel-tan green helped deepen the green and bring out some depth.

And de're like, I'm gonna krump ya
Sadly the pictures don't translate this very well and there aren't more progress pics, but I did find a use for kommando khaki after about 10 years. Not too sure how to proceed with a wash over it- sepia? brown? fleshtone? yellow?

Orcs in WHFB are BS3, despite only having bows as a ranged choice

Anyhow, uni starts back up tomorrow morning so I'll be practicing what I preach!

The Warlock