Looks like for the first time in the last three years I'll get to enjoy the Expo as a visitor rather than spending all day doing demos or selling people things...

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Get ready to sweep the boards

Dear Gamers
We are now ready to switch on our bookings for board games and card game tournaments. That means you will be able to buy tickets for all these tournaments we have lined up for you.
Get ready to climb on board on Monday 23rd February at 7pm. Set your alarms now!
Full details of available board games tournaments are here.
Full details of available card games tournaments are here.
Read on for details of what games are on offer.
Best wishes
Richard, Tony, Patrick, John, Keith and Lindsey

Tickets for UK Games Expo

Everyone attending the show needs a Show Entry Ticket. This gives full access to the Trade Halls, Demo games, Open Gaming Area, Family Zone, Playtest, Cinema, Seminars and Street Food Court (where food is a lot cheaper than in the Lounge.) It also grants 20% off Bar prices in the Lounge. In other words your Entry ticket plus the Trade stand fees is what pays for the show as well as the accommodation costs of the army of volunteers who make Expo happen.
In addition if you want to play in any Tournament or Roleplaying Game there is an additionalEvent Fee as specified on each Event Page. This is what pays for the EXTRA rooms we need to accommodate all the tournaments, all the acres of cloth and boards we use for them, prize support for those events that are unsponsored, trophies and Umpire/ Gms expenses and accommodation.
Don't forget to get all the tickets you need.
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A weekend of Board Games

On Friday 29th May we offer a Lords of Waterdeep Tournament and a 7 Wonders Tournament. Both of these will have a top prize of £50 to spend on games in the Trade Halls.
Then on Saturday 30th May the popular UK Settlers of Catan Championship sponsored by Mayfair Games kicks off. The winner will get flights and hotels paid to attend BOTH the European final in Viennna in November 2015 and World Final in the USA in 2016. Entrants to the Settlers event MUST be willing and able to attend a prize giving at 3pm on Sunday 31st May.
At the same time we are also running the Agricola UK Championship. This will have a top prize of £50 to spend on games in the Trade Halls.
Then on Sunday 31st May we are running the UK Carcassonne Championship. The winner will get to represent the UK at the World Carcassonne Finals in Essen Spiel in October with £150 towards your costs provided by UKGE.
At the same time we are also running a Ticket to Ride Tournament. This will have a top prize of £50 to spend on games in the Trade Halls.
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Memoir 44 and Command and Colours Ancients

Barry Ingram has run these events since day one of UK Games Expo and we are happy that he is returning for 2015.
Memoir 44 will run on Saturday 30th May.
Command and Colours Ancients will run on Sunday 31st May.
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Three Fantasy Flight Tournaments

On Friday we will run a full National Imperial Assault event. This will have a the top prize of a trip to the US to play in the FFG Worlds. More details coming soon on this one.
On Saturday we have a massive 128 limit Android Netrunner National. This will have a the top prize of a trip to the US to play in the FFG Worlds.
Also on Saturday is a 36 player Warhammer Conquest Tournament. This will have a the top prize of a trip to the US to play in the FFG Worlds.
So three card events and three chances to represent the UK at the Worlds!

Mage War UK Championship

We will run a Mage Wars UK Championship on Friday 29th May.
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The Spoils Expo Sealed Championships

The Spoils Expo Sealed Championship is a great entry to the game for new players. This will take place on Sunday 31st May.
You will receive 6 booster packs to construct your deck and then go head to head against other players, for the prize of UK Games Expo Spoils Champion!
A great way to expand your card collection and have fun at the same time! Demos will be running all of Friday and Saturday, so if you do not know how to play, there is plenty of time to meet the friendly ambassadors and pick up the rules.

Xi Cards World Championship 2

Xi Cards is pleased to be hosting our second World Championship at the UK Games Expo this year. New players very welcome. This is a sealed event, where you get random cards and build a deck from them. Round robin style, 4 rounds. Your entry fee includes 8 Xi Cards Booster packs (72 cards) and the chance to win exclusive prizes!
This event occurs on the XI Cards stand during the evening of Saturday 30th May.

Tickets for these events go on sale on Monday 23rd February at 7 pm.

Good luck!
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