So by now, everyone knows that Infinity is a thing for me.   What many of you don't know is that I also truly enjoy the tournament atmosphere of tabletop wargaming.  Yes, I love the hobby side of things, but I also have a competitive side of me that gets scratched by playing the game at tournaments.

The Dire States series of tournaments for Infinity is a great example of a community growing and gathering folks from all over the nation to get together and have a blast playing a game we all love.  Brandon, a WarCor for Infinity and an Organizer for the Rumble on Route 66 Dire States Event, wrote an amazing article on how to be a better Infinity Tournament Participant. 

All credit goes to Brandon for this folks.  It was just too good not to share.



Okay, so this post isn't about being a better Infinity player on the table. I am the worst authority on that. I'm not good. I play for fun and I organize players and events.

Organization is what I'm good at.

With the Rumble on Route 66 fast approaching, and our numbers swelling to, currently, 60 players; I felt it was time for me to help out new tournament goers, or vets who want to help make the experience better for everyone. Being a better player "above the table."

These tips are meant to make you 1.) a more efficient user of the game time allotted, 2.) a more fun player to be paired against and 3.) help you have a better time.

Here we go:

- Know your list.
Aside from the Rumble (still in ITS 2015 limbo), you know the missions and tournament structure well in advance. Get your lists made well before the event. Look up all the special rules that pertain to your units. They're your models, if anyone should know what they do, it should be you.

- Know the missions.
Read the mission setup and rules. This will save time at the table if you're not having to learn how to play the mission. This will assist in making your lists too.

- Organize your models.
You know what you're playing. Optimize your bag so the models and counters you will be using are easily accessible and easy to find. Nothing bogs down a game like slow deployment, having to dig for your models adds to that time.

- Pick up your models IMMEDIATELY after your game ends.
Nothing slows a round change down more than having to wait for people to clear their models off the table you got assigned to. Get it clean, then take a break and be ready for the next round.

- Be open with the public list info.
N3 spells out what is private pretty clearly now. What's not on that list, be ready to give your opponent when they ask, as often as they ask.

- Declare intent.
Silhouettes are taking some getting used to. When you go to move a model--declare your intent and ask your opponent to check for lines of sight. Many models are smaller than their silhouettes so lines of sight might not be as apparent as they were in N2. Try not to be litigious about it--only when you have doubt about lines of sight. If you don't ask them to check--don't be hacked when they pop an ARO in your face.

- Be ready to assist your opponent with their declarations.
This is the other side of that last tip. If your opponent asks if you have line of fire--be a good sport check it and let them know. They should reciprocate. Golden rule and all...

- Don't rush play.
Make your rolls in the open, where your opponent can see without having to walk around the table. Make sure they have verified and move on. Follow the order declaration process as laid out in the rulebook. Give your opponent a chance to declare their AROs.

- Be ready with your AROs.
The other side of that last tip. Don't bog down the game by taking a long time checking every model's potential AROs and waiting until your opponent finishes his first Short Skill. Be working on that while your opponent is working on that first Short Skill. Remember, in Infinity -- "It's Always Your Turn." Be attentive and ready.

- Keep it chill.
This is the most important one to me. This is a game. We gather to play and have fun. Yes, there's a competition surrounding it, but you have to realize--Infinity, at it's core--is not the hardcore competitors game. IT'S NOT WORTH GETTING WORKED UP ABOUT. Criticals disrupt the best laid and executed plans. Hidden information requires a level of trust in an opponent you may not even know. The game will screw you--it's inevitable.

The main takeaways from any good Infinity tournament should be: 1.) those crazy cinematic moments that only Infinity can create on a tabletop and 2.) the friendships you make with the individuals you meet who share your love for this great game (and possibly beer).

Last year's Rumble on Route 66 proved that perfect strangers can come together, roll dice, have fun and party. These tips will help to quell frustrations and make your tournament experience even better.
Also, we reserve the right to play wall ball with your minis if we find you're turning into a hyper-competitive douche bag...

What are your thoughts? What do you feel makes for a good tournament opponent? Again, not talking about game prowess, but "above the table" qualities? Comment below.



I couldn't have said it better myself.  No, literally.  Brandon spelled it out perfectly and quite frankly the vast majority of his points, if not the entire core of the article itself, can apply to any tournament, for any game system. 

For more information on the Dire States events and tournaments, check out their Facebook page HERE.

- Tim