So last night I finished off a Troglodon as a prize for the winner of Winter War Raffle 2014. The winner (Chris Maker) requested that I paint this awesome model and I was more than happy to oblige! Really is one of my favourite large monster plastic kit released in the past few years, brilliant sculpt. The scales were pretty soul destroying to paint (took over 10 hours to do the green and turquoise!) but I think the final effect came off rather well. Please note that the model is un-based so Chris can match his Lizardman basing scheme. The sand was drying last night (and still was this morning lol) so I’ll give it a quick wash and drybrush tonight to tidy it up!

Really chuffed with how it came out though, probably one of the best models I have done. Actually really put cravings back into me to go and paint lizardmen again (my first love!). Also gave me a funny bit of nostalgia to go back and look at my lizards ( they were finished in May 2012 (just under 3 years ago) and I’m really happy with how I have progressed with my painting since then. The lizardmen were the first army which I used washes on (I know crazy!) and really got me into painting properly. Since then I have tried to learn one new technique for every army I have done to push myself as a painter and get better with each new project.

So with that in mind I thought I would set out some plans for 2015 (super busy year so a bit less ambitious than most my years!):

  • ·         1200 pts of High Elves/Empire for Cally Carnage Team Event (May). Need to decide soon lol.
  • ·         (~)2400pts of the above for Winter War (November).
  • ·         2000pts of Grey Knights(half painted)
  • ·         Techniques to practise: NMM, Freehand Banners, OSL (maybe!).

What new techniques are you going to try to learn in 2015? What are your next projects?