Random question for people, but does anyone want any/is interested in Dropzone Commander miniatures from the PHR faction? Getting rid of stuff that I'll probably never use. There doesn't seem to be any ebay auctions to base stuff off.
There's no-one here in QLD playing it by the looks of google fu and forum browsing. So if anyone wants a PHR starter set, an extra medium transport, 2 medium walkers, 2 odin walkers and a large transport, just shoot me a comment. I also have the ruleset, so I'll part with everything for about $75 +P/H if anyone's keen.
That and sadly, a bunch of Nomads for Infinity. I have the basic starter set + female interventor, riot grrl (spit fire), sniper alguaciles, a meteor zond and Miranda Ashcroft. I was gonna get round to them but alas, one does not have a job anymore.
Kinda need the money as I've gone back to FT uni and need the cash for textbooks (fitting the sad stereotype of poor student). I can upload pics if anyone is interested.
Random question
by The Warlock | Mar 1, 2015