As well as being a hobby blog I've wanted to write about my love of food for a long time now, specifically my love of the humble burger. This is a quest that I have been on for a couple of years now, the hunt for my perfect burger. A few have come close so far, but none have achieved that elusive 5* rating.

My most recent burger has managed to come extremely close though, getting a whopping 4 stars. On the 5th March I visited the Skylark pub on the outskirts of Wellington, Somerset, and chose their bacon and monterey jack cheese beef burger. Then I spotted that an extra burger could be added into the mix out of the usual beef and chicken choices, and also a macaroni cheese burger! Naturally I had to try this, and the food arrived promptly.

It was sandwiched in a plain bun, but was missing the burger sauce promised on the menu. The salad was lacking also, with a sad looking tomato slice and some awkwardly chopped iceberg. But then I had my first bite, and the taste was sensational. The bacon was cooked beautifully, and the mac'n'cheese was crunchy crispy on the outside, soft and gooey in the middle. The beef burger tasted great too and was cooked just right.

All in all it was a fantastic feast, and might've even hit the five stars I've been craving if it had been condimented (yes, that's totally a word now) correctly!

The quest continues!