On the video game front, I have been hooked on the latest thing to be dropped in the DBZ franchise, Dragon Ball Xenoverse. It's available on the next gen consoles, as well as on Steam for those Master Race users (like myself, haha). The premise of the game sets it apart from all of the other DBZ games, where it starts with Trunks needing help to fix the timeline that is being changed somehow, so he uses the Dragon Balls to wish for somebody strong enough to help him fix it. That's where you, the player, come in. You get to make your very own character, picking your race and everything, and then you start out as a very weak nobody who is helping the Time Patrollers, a group of fighters who patrol through time and try to stop anyone from messing with the time line. You go through alternate timelines from the DBZ storyline, and you fight through slightly altered stories and try to get them back to their original. Aside from that main storyline, you can also play Parallel Quests that are based off of the original story, but you're fighting from a different point of view, such as Hercule's vision of how things turned out, or that of the various villains of the series. You also level up your character, raise your stats, get better gear, etc., so it has a very MMO feeling to it.
The game is very solid, with two key things keeping it from being "great" in my opinion. The first is one that they are working on fixing, and the problem is that the servers crash all the time. You can play offline if you want, and all of your progress gets loaded to the servers when you connect again, but you don't have the option outright to just play offline. You have to either disconnect your computer from the internet manually, or they have to close their servers on their end. It gets very annoying. The second problem is that the game isn't as balanced as it should be. Players who make Saiyan characters get four different versions of the Super Saiyan ability, while none of the other races get their tranformation abilities, such as Majin transforming or Freeza Race being able to switch between their forms. With Super Saiyan being such a strong ability, it puts Saiyan players leaps and bounds ahead of the others. This is something that they company behind the game says is being fixed in future DLC, but in the mean time it gets frustrating in the late game since I'm playing a Freeza Race charctarer (and yes, that's literally what they decided to name the race to which Freeza belonged).
All of that aside, I have made quite a bit of progress on Curze and Sevetar, and once I get pictures I'll post them up.