Check out my badass plastic Ulrik The Slayer conversion! Oh yeah, I've been building some Blood Claws too and a Wolf Guard "test" model.

Ulrik The Slayer

As you can tell, he's based on Krom Dragongaze - which has to be one of the mostly crisply detailed, easiest to put together models I've ever made.

Fellow Space Wolf player Lee gave me a 2nd edition Plasma Pistol so that I may pay homage to the original Ulrik model. Or just the fact that the old model has been around since the very start of 2nd edition some 20 years ago.

I chopped off he Bolt Pistol, stuck the very chunky Plasma Pistol in its place.

I then gave him a Thunderwolf Cavalry Rider head. I was torn between this one and the 'stern' looking head with the bionic eye, but it didn't give the whole model that sense of movement. So 'shouty' head won instead.

The Crozius Arcanum was a bit of a bugger. I chopped the top off Krom's axe just above the hand and glued a banner top from the Grey Hunters Pack kit in its place.

The polystyrene cement I was using went a bit crazy and melted the two parts together. So I'll have to come back and green stuff them together smoothly or chisel some detail out of the blob at a later date.

I cut the wolf tail off the bottom of Krom's axe handle and off the bottom of the Crux Terminatus badge that goes over the left chest. Too much detail that was likely to break.

Last, I stuck a Kromlech Sons of Thor Back Pack (also from Lee - cheers mate!) in place of the Krom Dragongaze backpack, which went into my bitz box for later...

Awesome scenic base, courtesy of Joel at Anvil Industry.

Blood Claws

My army has been undergoing some changes while I've been building it. Hence the 5 Grey Hunters with a Plasma Gun got ditched for 5 Blood Claws with a Flamer.


Because they're 20pts cheaper, a lot more fun and potentially more mobile and destructive. Plus, I was crying out for a Flamer in my army.

One of them has a scarred up Stern Guard head.

But, the model I love the most is the Blood Claw with the Flamer!

I really wanted to use the 'gas mask' head from the Space Marine Tactical Squad. But being bald, it wasn't really wolfy enough.

So I cut the massive Mohawk off one of the Space Wolves heads, trimmed the bald head to fit and glued it in place.

Then I green stuffed the gap as the back and sculpted a couple of lines to match the rest of the hair pattern.

I didn't bother with the pony tail.

One thing I'm very glad of was buying extra pairs of Space Marine Legs from eBay.

The legs on this guy I've ended up using for pretty much all my models who are carrying Special Weapons.

It's worth getting the box just for the extra torsos and legs alone.

Although, the arms are good too if you only want your Grey Hunters to hold Bolters.

Wolf Guard Test Model

What is he a test for?

The Army Painter spray of course.

Basically, I want to see how well (or badly) The Army Painter can of Uniform Grey sticks to every different material imaginable for a 28mm miniature.

So we've got an Anvil Industry (metal/resin) base, a Forge World resin body, plastic Games Workshop arms and head, then a Kormlech Sons of Thor backpack.

And yes, all of my Wolf Guard are going to look like this!

MKIII Iron Armour is BULKY and looks absolutely badass with a billowing wolf cloak and a wolfy back pack.

Although I do need to add some more 'wolf bling' to bring this guy to life.

Anyway, I must crack on...

I have 7 Grey Hunters, 8 Wolf Guard, 7 Drop Pods, a Rune Priest and a Stormfang to build.