Looking back through my archives, I've realized that this is the worst I've ever recorded my prep for Adepticon in the past 3 years.  That's a bit disappointing for me to be honest, as I truly enjoy recording how I do things, my progress and ultimately your feedback on how I'm doing, what I could improve, etc.

Busy is as busy does, I suppose, but still disappointing. 

Regardless, I wanted to show that progress has indeed taken place!  After Adepticon, not only will I post my usual 'Con coverage, but I will be taking some quality photos of the Infinity models I prepped for the event posting about them in groups.  How I did certain things, what worked, what didn't, lessons learned…  I'm looking forward to that, and I hope you will too!

On to the pictures!

This time around, it's basically going to be a photo-dump of in-progress shots of painting, and then you'll also see some raw shots of the bases I've designed for this faction, as well as the first steps of paint for them. 

Mainly because I'm still painting them.  Hush, I know Adepticon is next week...LOOK!  PICTURES!

Who else is in the last-minute prep for Adeption?  Anyone?  ...Bueller?

- Tim