None of the big sites seem to be talking about this yet, but something is happening in Warhammer 40K, something potentially very bad.

Huge bases are coming.

With the release of the new Necrons my local Games Workshop is giving away larger bases with all Necron releases.

Because now all Necron miniatures come on 32mm Monster Bases. Even those skinny Necron Warriors.

Sanguinary Guard also now come on 32mm Monster Bases.

And recently one of my friends purchased a Tyranid Battleforce to find that the Carnifex now comes on a base similar to, but slightly smaller than a Flyer Base, while the Tyranid Warriors come on bases slightly larger than 40mm Monster Bases.

Games Workshop seems to be supplying models with bigger bases.

When questioned about this, our local Store Manager said that "You can base your miniatures however you like."

It's worrying, for two reasons:

1) It's Open to Abuse

Imagine an Ork Horde on 32mm bases.

Blast weapons wouldn't be as effective. Template weapons wouldn't be as effective.

Meanwhile the vast numbers of Orks have a far larger footprint to claim objectives and catch enemy units in close combat more easily.

Alternatively, someone could base their army of Space Marines on 32mm bases, only to base their Stern Guard who desembark from a Drop Pod on 25mm bases to ensure all those Combi-Meltas are able to get into close range.

And there's always one douche bag who will base his Eldar Wraith Knight in a funky pose, balancing on one foot so he fits on to a 25mm base.

2) How Will They Fit On Terrain?

Look at all the terrain Games Workshop make. Heck, look at the terrain any miniature company makes.

It's made for 25mm bases. 32mm struggle to fit a lot of the time.

So if we're 'encouraged' to use larger bases. Scenery becomes rather difficult.


Tournaments are going to be interesting if shenanigans happen with people abusing large bases. Tournament Organisers will likely come down on this sort of stuff HARD. Games Workshop's own Throne Of Skulls tournament will be the usual loose mess it's always been. I may be proven wrong. But I doubt it.

As for me, I'll continue to base my miniatures on the "traditional" size of bases regardless. This is the standard sizing for ALL wargames, not just Warhammer 40K. Games Workshop set the standard aeons ago and honestly, I'm amazed that they could crucially mess this up.

But it looks like changes are coming under the new CEO and the Necron Codex is the first of the 'new wave'. A new wave of large bases and army structures of formations.

Games Workshop have had their eye on Warmachine/Hordes for years and seem to have been taking their ideas from Privateer Press ever since the Colossals and Gargantuans came out, inspiring the big kits and formations we now see in Warhammer 40K.

The only question is where unrestricted rules on basing and larger bases will take the system.

Personally, I think that changing the base sizes is a very bad move indeed.