Evening guys and girls,

only a small update for you again this week, work is killing me at the moment I get home and normally hit a comatose state or just want to chill and watch TV.

I have managed to get a bit more done on the word bearers but I will save that for the next update. Today is more a batch of random odds and ends I've been working on:

Next batch of bits for Dungeon saga, I picked up the Dark elf from hasslefree as I love the sculpt, he will run duel duty as a hero or villain.

With the latest Deadzone kickstarter now running I have been doing the odd bit of work on my Plague:

The guy on the left needs a lot more work doing on him, the one on the right is nearing completion sculpting wise 

I recently put in a small order with Warlord games for some bits to put towards the word bearers (more on this in the next update) at the same time I took the opportunity to pick up a single model from the Beyond the Gates of Antares range:

This guy is an Algoryn AI trooper,, hes a very nice sculpt will be a one off for now but may have to look back into the range at a later date. I hope to get him painted up soon.

In none hobby news, after being recommended them by Grizz a stupid amount of time ago I finally picked up the first 2 volumes of Lazarus

Really good little comic this, can whole heartedly recommend it, I think Volume 3 is out at the end of the month too.....

Well thats it for this week, I hope to have something a bit more constructive to show next week.